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PHP Training


Best PHP Training Institute In Bangalore


PHP Training In Bangalore


Overview – PHP Course


* php training in bangalore course teaches participants how to develop dynamic websites using PHP
* Using PHP with MySQL is one of the standard approaches available today


Pre-Requisites- PHP Course


* Knowledge of HTML/CSS/JavaScript
* Awareness of programming in either c/python


Training Objectives – PHP Course in Bangalore


All participants learn:
* How to design web pages with HTML and CSS and include PHP
* How to use JavaScript to make the page interactive
* How to make web pages dynamic using PHP
* How to integrate MySQL with PHP and render dynamic content
* Understand objected-oriented programming with PHP
* How to handle I/O Operations in PHP
* Develop & Deploy secure PHP Web applications

PHP Training In Bangalore
Course Content

Unit 1 : Introduction to PHP

* Language features
* Keywords
* Syntax

Unit 2 : Decisions and Loops

* Doing Repetitive task with looping
* Mixing Decisions and looping with Html

Unit 3 : Functions in PHP

* What is a function
* Define a function
* Call by value and Call by reference
* Recursive function

Unit 4 : String processing in PHP

* Creating and accessing String
* Searching & Replacing String
* Formatting String
* String Related Library function

Unit 5 : Working with Arrays

* Anatomy of an Array
* Creating index based and Associative array
* Accessing array Element
* Looping with Index based array
* Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()

Unit 6 : File processing

* Understanding file& directory
* Opening and closing a file
* Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
* Working with directories
* Building a text editor
* File Uploading & Downloading

Unit 7 : HTML Features

* Using query string(URL rewriting)
* Using Hidden field
* Using cookies
* Using session

Unit 8 : PRE processing

* What is regular expression
* Pattern matching in Php
* Replacing text
* Splitting a string with a Regular Expression

Unit 9 : Working with images

* Basics of computer Graphics
* Creating Image
* Manipulating Image
* Using text in Image

Unit 10 : Persistence

* Introduction to RDBMS
* Connection with MySql Database
* Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
* Setting query parameter
* Executing query
* Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)

Unit 11 : OOP in PHP

* Introduction
* Objects
* Declaring a class
* The new keyword and constructor
* Destructor
* Access method and properties using $this variable
* Public ,private, protected properties and methods
* Static properties and method
* Class constant
* Inheritance & code reusability
* Polymorphism
* Parent:: & self:: keyword
* Instanceof operator
* Abstract method and class
* Interface
* Final

Unit 12 : Exception Handling

* Understanding Exception and error
* Try, catch, throw

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