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Data Science with R Programming

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Data Science With R Programming


Data Science Course In Bangalore


R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. As technology improves, the data companies or research institutions collect has become more and more complex, and R has been adopted by many as the language of choice to analyze data. R is great for machine learning, data visualization and analysis, and some areas of scientific computing(Data Science course In Bangalore).



Data Science with R Training In Bangalore  – Overview – Data Science Using R


* The course has the most important tools of data science and R programming language

* R Programming language is Open source technology and is popularly used among statisticians, data miners, data analysts, etc

* the Data Science Using R programming  is obtaining big data analysis packages, documentation and open source due to flexibility Prerequisites Data Science with R Training

There is no specific pre-requisite for Data Science with R. However, a basic understanding of statistics and R can be beneficial. The course is offered only in English language.


Training Outcome


Data science with R Training in Bangalore is designed to offer you an introduction to data science. This course will introduce you to:

  • Data science work flow
  • Reading data from multiple sources in multiple formats
  • Cleaning and restructuring data using the grammar of data manipulation
  • Visualizing data using the grammar of graphics
  • Exploratory data analysis and statistical distributions
  • Implementing supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques
  • Version control with GitHub and literate programming

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