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Home VBA Macros In Excel

Excel VBA Macro Training


Excel VBA Macro Training In Bangalore


Pre – Requisite For Excel VBA Training:
Knowledge of working on any Windows Operating System.
Advanced Knowledge of Excel as an advantage.

Excel Macro Training Course begins with fundamentals like intro to macros then concludes with expert level features including writing Macros, Intro to VB programming and VBA. At the conclusion of this office course you’ll feel confident using Excel and understand how to use it to maximize productivity.

VBA Macro Training-Course Content

module 1 : Introducing VBA In Excel

  • What Is a Macro?
  • How Does VBA Fit In?
  • The Three Types of Procedures
  • Recording a VBA Macro
  • Viewing the Resulting Module
  • Editing a Recorded Macro
  • Touring the Visual Basic Editor
  • The Project Explorer
  • The Properties Window
  • The Work Area
  • Writing Your Own Command Macro
  • Creating a New Module
  • Writing a Command Macro
  • Running a VBA Macro
  • Creating User-Defined Functions with VBA
  • Understanding User-Defined Functions
  • Writing User-Defined Functions
  • Employing User-Defined Functions
  • Working with Procedures
  • The Structure of a Procedure
  • Calling a Procedure
  • Public Versus Private Procedures
  • Another Method for Inserting a Procedure
  • Visual Basic Editor Techniques for Easier Coding
  • Finding Code
  • Navigating Modules with Bookmarks
  • Working with Modules
  • Renaming a Module
  • Exporting a Module
  • Importing a Module
  • Removing a Module
  • Setting Visual Basic Editor Options
  • The Editor Tab
  • The Editor Format Tab
  • The General Tab
  • The Docking Tab
  • Protecting Your Code

module 2 : Understanding Variables

  • Declaring Variables
  • Understanding Variable Scope
  • Procedure-Level Scope
  • Module-Level Scope
  • Public Scope
  • Passing Variables as Arguments
  • Passing Variables by Reference
  • Passing Variables by Value
  • Working with Static Variables
  • Avoiding Variable Errors
  • Variable Data Types
  • Changing the Default Data Type
  • Creating User-Defined Data Types
  • Using Array Variables
  • Dynamic Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Working with Constants
  • Using Built-In Constants
  • Creating User-Defined Constants

module 3 : Building VBA Expressions

  • Understanding Expression Structure
  • VBA Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • The Concatenation Operator
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Understanding Operator Precedence
  • The Order of Precedence
  • Controlling the Order of Precedence
  • Working with Numeric Expressions
  • A Closer Look at the Arithmetic Operators
  • Numeric Data Type Conversion Functions
  • VBA’s Math Functions
  • VBA’s Financial Functions
  • Working with String Expressions
  • Working with Logical Expressions
  • The And Operator
  • The Or Operator
  • The XorOperator
  • The EqvOperator
  • The Imp Operator
  • The Not Operator
  • Working with Date Expressions
  • Formatting Numeric and Date Expressions
  • The Format Function
  • VBA’s Predefined Formats
  • User-Defined Numeric Formats
  • User-Defined Date and Time Formats

module 4 : Controlling Your VBA Code

  • Code That Makes Decisions
  • Using ..Then to Make True/False Decisions
  • Using ..Then…Else to Handle a False Result
  • Making Multiple Decisions
  • Using the And andOr Operators
  • Using Multiple ..Then…Else Statements
  • Using the Select Case Statement
  • Functions That Make Decisions
  • The IIfFunction
  • The Choose Function
  • The Switch Function
  • Code That Loops
  • Using ..Loop Structures
  • Using ..Next Loops
  • Using For Each…Next Loops
  • Using Exit For or Exit Do to Exit a Loop

module 5 : Working with Objects

  • What Is an Object?
  • The Object Hierarchy
  • Working with Object Properties
  • Setting the Value of a Property
  • Returning the Value of a Property
  • Working with Object Methods
  • Handling Object Events
  • Working with Object Collections
  • The Object Browser
  • Object Browser Features
  • Working with the Object Browser
  • Referencing Additional Object Libraries
  • Assigning an Object to a Variable
  • The Is Operator
  • Working with Multiple Properties or Methods
  • The Application Object
  • Properties of the Application Object
  • Methods of the Application Object
  • The Window Object
  • Specifying a Window Object
  • Opening a New Window
  • Window Object Properties
  • Window Object Methods

module 6 : Manipulating Excel with VBA

  • Excel’s Macro Options
  • Assigning a Shortcut Key
  • Recording with Relative References
  • Using VBA to Read and Set Excel’s Program Options
  • The View Tab
  • The Calculation Tab
  • The Edit Tab
  • The General Tab
  • Excel’s Application Object
  • Accessing Worksheet Functions
  • Other Properties of the Application Object
  • Methods of Excel’s Application Object
  • Some Event-Like Methods
  • Manipulating Workbook Objects
  • Specifying a Workbook Object
  • Opening a Workbook
  • Creating a New Workbook
  • Workbook Object Properties
  • Workbook Object Methods
  • Workbook Object Events
  • Dealing with Worksheet Objects
  • Specifying a Worksheet Object
  • Creating a New Worksheet
  • Properties of the Worksheet Object
  • Methods of the Worksheet Object
  • Worksheet Object Events
  • Working with Range Objects
  • Returning a Range Object
  • Using the Offset Method
  • Selecting a Cell or Range
  • Defining a Range Name
  • More Range Object Properties
  • More Range Object Methods
  • Working with Add-In Applications
  • Creating an Add-In Application
  • Controlling Add-Ins with VBA

module 7 : Working with Microsoft Forms

  • Understanding Custom Forms and Dialog Boxes
  • Forms and Dialog Boxes in VBA
  • Adding a Form to Your Project
  • Sharing Forms Between VBA Applications
  • Importing and Exporting Form Files
  • Dragging Form Objects Between Applications
  • Changing the Form’s Design-Time Properties
  • The Appearance Category
  • The Behavior Category
  • The Font Category
  • The Misc Category
  • The Picture Category
  • The Position Category
  • The Scrolling Category
  • Working with Controls
  • Inserting Controls on a Form
  • Selecting Controls
  • Sizing Controls
  • Moving Controls
  • Copying Controls
  • Deleting Controls
  • Grouping Controls
  • Ordering Overlapped Controls
  • Setting Control Properties
  • Common Control Properties
  • Setting the Tab Order
  • Adding Controls to the Toolbox
  • Creating User-Defined Controls
  • Handling Form Events
  • Types of Form Controls
  • Command Buttons
  • Labels
  • Text Boxes
  • Frames
  • Option Buttons
  • Check Boxes
  • Toggle Buttons
  • List Boxes
  • Scroll Bars
  • Spin Buttons
  • Tab Strips and MultiPage Controls
  • Using a Form in a Procedure
  • Displaying the Form
  • Handling Events While the Form Is Displayed
  • Unloading the Form
  • Processing the Form Results

module 8 : Trapping Program Errors

  • A Basic Error-Trapping Strategy
  • Setting the Trap
  • Coding the Error Handler
  • Resuming Program Execution
  • Disabling the Trap
  • Working with the Err Object
  • Err Object Properties
  • Err Object Methods
  • Trappable VBA Errors

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