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AngularJS Training in Bangalore

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AngularJS Certification Training


Best AngularJS Training Institute in Bangalore

AngularJS Training in Bangalore

Overview – AngularJS Course

* AngularJS is one of the JavaScript based open-source web application framework
* It is generally used to add an HTML page along with a tag
* The AngularJS framework application works with the ‘model-view-controller’ pattern which makes applications easier to develop and test


Prerequisites – AngularJS Certification Training

* The participants should have the basic knowledge of web development, HTML, and JavaScript


Objectives – AngularJS Training In Bangalore

* Create SPA (single page applications) using MVC
* Understand the programming model framework
* Understand controllers and directives
* Control Angular data bindings
* Understand AngularJS Architecture
* Implement Responsive Web Applications with AngularJS

AngularJS certification Training

AngularJS Course Outline

Unit 1 : AngularJS Introduction
* Introduction To Client Side Scripting Languages
* Basics of Javascript and jQuery
* Introduction to AngularJS and Its History
* Why should we use AngularJS?
* Execution flow

Unit 2 : Controllers
* Properties, Methods
* Binding controllers with views
* Controller hierarchy
* Sharing data between controllers

Unit 3 : Bootstrapping Angular Apps
* Auto bootstrap
* Custom bootstrap

Unit 4 : Data Binding
* Binding Model Objects
* Model Objects Visibility
* $scope
* $rootScope
* Difference between $scope & $rootScope
* Using $emit and $broadcast
* JSON advantages
* Using JSON in Angularjs
* Use of $watch, $digest & $apply
* Understanding AngularJS Architecture

Unit 5 : Dependency Injection
* What is Dependency Injection?
* Implicit DI
* Inline Array Annotated DI
* $inject Array Annotated DI

Unit 6 : Expressions
* AngularJs Expressions, AngularJS Numbers
* AngularJS Strings, AngularJS Arrays
* AngularJS Objects

Unit 7 : Directives
* Power of directives
* Working with built in directives
* ng-app, ng-init
* ng-model, ng-repeat
* ng-class, ng-template
* ng-include
* Working with custom directives

Unit 8 : Filters
* Adding Filters to Expressions, Directives
* Working with built in filters
* Creating custom filters

Unit 9 : Events
* ng-click
* Hiding HTML Elements
* ng-disabled
* ng-show, ng-hide

Unit 10 : Modules
* Controllers Pollute the Global Namespace
* AngularJS Application Files

Unit 11 : AngularJS XMLHttpRequest (AJAX)
* AngularJS $http
* AngularJS Forms and Input Validation

Unit 12 : AngularJS Service Types
* Constants and Values, Factories
* Services, Providers

Unit 13 : Single Page Applications
* What is SPA?
* How to work with SPA in angular
* Working with routes
* Static & dynamic routing

Unit 14 : REST API Calls
* Overview of REST API
* Use of angular resource module

Unit 15 : Animations
* Overview of transitions
* Use of angular animate module

Unit 16 : Angular with UI Frameworks
* ui boostrap
* anguar-meterial

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